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St Canice Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungiven

Nursery Sports and Fun Day.

13th Jun 2024

The nursery boys and girls enjoyed a lovely fun filled engaging morning with Fitzy and Coach Ronan from Fit Minds, as part of our end of year Sports Day celebrations. Ronan began the morning by reading his new book 'Fitzy The Active Bear'. The children then warmed up before getting the mums, dads and grandparents involved in some fun activities. After this the children completed some of our traditional sports events. Our parents got a chance to complete our much loved musical hoops event. The competition was fierce! Ronan then helped the children to show their parents some of the new skills they had learned during his lessons in school this year, before ending up with a great dance session and a little cool down. The children, parents, grandparents and staff thoroughly enjoyed the morning.