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St Canice Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungiven

Canice Caps

7th Jun 2019

Pupils from Mrs Polley's Year Seven class have been finding out about running a business from our student teacher Miss Fiona Mc Closkey. As part of this we have set up our own business "Canice Caps" selling red caps with our school logo on them. We are going to sell our caps to pupils in school for £6 each. We had to decide on a price based on how much it cost to make the caps and we want to make a small profit from the enterprise. Any profit we make will be donated to Danielle Farren's fundraising efforts for the school's sensory room.

Caps go on sale on Tuesday 11th June at 9-9:30am. Pupils can buy their caps in the assembly hall at this time.

We have a limited number of caps so we will sell them on a first come basis!